The first week of May

Fri May 05 2023 23:45:25

I am good title maker.

Anyway, I had a productive week. Felt good to get a lot of work done and still have energy and motivation to work on things in my own time. In my free time at work I've been making more of an effort to use that time to study web development, and then I try and apply what I've learnt at work... but mainly to my own projects. This week I've been mainly turning to You Don't Know JS Yet.

One thing I learnt (and used this week, if you want to check out one of my wallpapers), was the <dialog> element - I never even knew about them till now! Nor did I know about the accompaning .show() and .showModal() methods.

Example of using the  element as a modal

(still a work in progress)

I'm kind of astounded I took so long to find out about these, since I work with modals very frequently. I suppose my company just isn't interested in using them for some reason - perhaps there are compatiability or accessibility issues, or maybe that don't feel the need to fix what isn't broken.

Also, you might be able to tell that I have used an image as a border in that screenshot, another thing I've never tried out before. To be honest, I used a border image generator, so it didn't exactly require a lot of expertise from me lol.

I did fail at something this week - adding a 3D model to a page. I have an idea for a wallpaper, but at the moment I have no idea how to pull it off. I'll put it on the backburner for now as I work on improving the wallpapers I've already made and get back to it after I find the time to really focus on 3JS (or something similar).

The other thing I added to this page was a theme selector. I like the colours I've chosen. I will most likely add more (I literally added pink whilst writing this). I also have completely neglected to make my page at all responsive. so that's something I ought to do soon.

In other news this week, I also went and found my old gameboy collection and some cases and backlit screen kits I ordered (but never used). When I finally get them all made I'll make a post about them here. However, looking around online now, I don't think anyone really cares about the backlit screens now - IPS LCD kits seem to be all the rage. I guess they figured a way to build these, rather than destroy GBA SP consoles.

Anyhow, lets see if my current urge to play gameboy games lasts all that long - I might get over it in a week lol.

I'm not really happy with how this post has turned out, but then again, I'm only writing for myself so that I may recall what I've learned. It has been nice to sit down and reflect on the week, I can see why people do this.
